lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Heathy lifestyle

Today is so common to listen that people have cardiovascular problems, obesity problem or don't do regular physical activity because of their sedentary life with their job and eating disorders.
I think that public politics to the healthy minister doesn't care too much with this case. For example in the school or university always there are stand of fast food and this are cheaper than healthy food.
Other problems is that in our country is not promote to do exercise regularly, in the school there are only once a week for like two hours and in the university is not obligatory to do this.
It must be part of the culture to practice some sport or have a healthy lifestyle in our country because this is too important for to have a good quality of life and for have a better efficiency in all of aspects in the life.
All people, especially young people must have access to do physical activity for at least three times a week, that their activities like job or in the university allow with its schedules give them time for this.
It is too important the emotional aspects, because for example the stress is very harmful to the body.
For have a healthy lifestyle you need keep your body in a good state together with have an equilibrate diet and an environment clear, quiet, relax, full of love and peace for enjoy all of beautiful times in our lives.

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