miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My ideal future life

Hello again, today I am going to talk about what I think I am going to do in seven years from now.
When I began to study Obstetric I didn’t know so much about what exactly I am going to do in my future job, but with the passing of the months I have fallen in love with this career.
There are several areas in this profession; some of these are neonatology, obstetrics, gynecology and the area of health education.
Gynecology literally means "women's science" but in medicine this area is about all disease which affects the female reproductive system like breast, vagina, uterus and ovaries.
Obstetric from the Latin means "be waiting". This area of the healthy science care in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum time called puerperium. Obstetric area also includes psychological and social aspects of motherhood.
And finally neonatology is a specialty that cares for the newborn in the first hours after birth and is responsible for diseases that may affect the new child including intensive care.
Of these areas the most that I like is Neonatology. This is because I love babies and if I can help and take care I am going to do.
I always had had a social vocation and I love help everyone who need. This is the reason why I studied this career.
When I finally will finish to study in five years from now I am going to work in public health. This is because I think we as a student from the University of Chile have the duty to give what we learn to people who don't have money to pay a private service.
Well I hope you like my new post, see you in other time, Bye!

1 comentario:

  1. If I continue this career I also want to work in the publich health!
