miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learning English

In all my life English language has been very important to me, because my parents love travel around the world and for communicate with foreing persons, know is essential speak English.
In other situation in the university like study there are too much papers that there are not in Spanish there are in English and if you don't know speak English you will not understand what are you reading or studying.
We live in a globalize world and most of the information, news, publications, etc are in English.
I think it is not the best language in the world but is necessary for develop and speak fluently for the people that don’t speak your own language can understand you.
When learn something is an obligation always comes boring and that is my case.
Learn English is an obligation with marks and assistance and I feel that course was spend time unnecessary, but through the course I realized that is not so unnecessary because of the thing that I said before.
Apart the important of speak English in this course I met beautiful people and they becomes big friends like my kine's guy.
Sometimes I was boring with the class and they entertain me and make the moment nicer.
Now when the course is ending I realize that I learn too much English, for example like two months ago I travel to Cuba and in the hotels was full of people that not speak Spanish. In this situation I could speak in English and know more about the culture of their countries and for sharing our different and beautiful experience in our different lives. I could make that the people understand me and this was wonderful.
Finally I can say that if I have the opportunity of take other English course more advance I take it without thinking because now English is an advantage like a professional.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Neuromyths: "We only use 10% of our brain anyway"

Science advances through trial and error; this is because there are many theories that are constructed on the basis of observation.
One of this myths it is that we only use 10% of our brain. These myths came from probably Einstein who responded once during an interview this. Karl Lashley made support to this theory with electric shock experiments and many areas or the brain did not react to this shock, concluded that these areas had not function.
Another origin of the myth may be found in the fact that the brain is made up of ten glial cells for every neuron. Glial cells have a nutritional role and support nerve cells, but they do not transmit any information. In terms of transmission of nerve impulses only the neuron are recruited (or 10% of the cells comprising the brain) so that this offers a further source of misunderstanding on which the 10% myth might come, but this vision of cell function is simplistic: while the gial cells play a different role from that the neurons, they are not less essential to the functioning of the whole.
Neuroscience findings now show that the brain is 100% active. In neurosurgery when it is possible to observe the functions of the brain on patients under local anesthetic, electric stimulations show not inactive areas, even when not movement, sensation or emotion is being observed. No areas of the brain are completely inactive, even during sleep, if they were, it would indicate a serious functional disorder.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

stressing life

Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms that include headache and a fast heartbeat.
It's almost impossible to live without some stress. And most of us wouldn't want to, because it gives life some spice and excitement. But if stress gets out of control, it may harm your health, your relationships, and your enjoyment of life.
It is usually be stressing with hard jobs or with the university in test period, because most of people don't have a good organization with their times, don't have time for recreation, time for fun with friends and they are only involve in this aspect of their lives.
When the stress began people fall in a depressing state, because they feel that their lives don't have sense. They don't have energy for do anything, they don't make things like in good times, and for example they don't concentrate and don't do a good work in their job or in the university.
Everyone can feel stress, because life in the city is based in productivity for the capitalist system that looks for machine not for people.
The only thing that you must do for not be stressing is advantage all thing in your around, all your family, friends and moments that makes you happy, because if you are in peace nothing going to disturb you.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Heathy lifestyle

Today is so common to listen that people have cardiovascular problems, obesity problem or don't do regular physical activity because of their sedentary life with their job and eating disorders.
I think that public politics to the healthy minister doesn't care too much with this case. For example in the school or university always there are stand of fast food and this are cheaper than healthy food.
Other problems is that in our country is not promote to do exercise regularly, in the school there are only once a week for like two hours and in the university is not obligatory to do this.
It must be part of the culture to practice some sport or have a healthy lifestyle in our country because this is too important for to have a good quality of life and for have a better efficiency in all of aspects in the life.
All people, especially young people must have access to do physical activity for at least three times a week, that their activities like job or in the university allow with its schedules give them time for this.
It is too important the emotional aspects, because for example the stress is very harmful to the body.
For have a healthy lifestyle you need keep your body in a good state together with have an equilibrate diet and an environment clear, quiet, relax, full of love and peace for enjoy all of beautiful times in our lives.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

My favourite get-away

I love to go to the beach, I think it is the best place where you can think, relax, enjoy with a beautiful landscape and with a gorgeous sea breeze.
I go to the beach every time that I can, but lately I couldn´t go because of the university.
When I have problem, or I am stressing I go there and every kind of thing that is affect me it's gone.
Everyone need a place where relaxing, where you can scape to the routine and put your mind in white.
I usually go to the Tabo or Quintero because my parents have a house in this place and is more easily stay there for more time with less money.
Go to the beach is so comforting because be in this place remember me all goods time that I was there, all the beautiful moments with my family, with my friends, with people that I love.
Be in the beach bring to me calm, wisdom and happiness with its fresh air and sunny days.
Now with September’s holidays I am going to go to the beach but in Cuba!!!
I will be there like for nine or ten days with my parents and my old brother.
I am going to go La Habana for two days and I will stay in Varadero for six or seven days.
I think be in Cuba is going to be a spectacular experience and I will have the best memories.
I hope you don't miss me to much jajajajaj
See you in other blog time!

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Music is rules

Hello everybody!!!
I didn´t write for weeks, but I am here again.
Today I am going to talk about my favorite kind of music.
I love hear music in everywhere in every moment because the music helps me to forget all the problems, it helps me to be quiet, it makes me think how beautiful life is and it makes me to be in a different place, in my ideal place.
I love listening rock music, salsa and old school's music. I don't like reggaeton, because its contents doesn´t like me, but its rhythm is contagious and in a party can be acceptable jajaja
I think the reason that I love rock music is because my father and my brother listening this always and that influenced in the type of music that I like me. When I listen this type of music I remember all the moment when with my family went to holidays and we travelled around different place in car and my father put in the radio led zeppelin, la renga, iron maiden, the doors, alice in chains and pearl jam.
With respect salsa music I love juan luis guerra and I listening always when I have to study, because that relax me and help me to concentrate.

When I am sad, rarely, I listen salsa or rock because those makes me happy and forget the reason why I am sad.

I think music is too important in my life, because it makes me feel good, makes me feel relax, makes me see the things in a different way.

Well see you in other blog, byeeee!

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

This is the end

Everything has a final, and this is not an exception.
When I begin this course the first that I think was that it was spend time unnecessary and it is going to be very boring.
In school when I was in English class I always think that this is going to finish soon.
But now in the university English follow me.
I don’t have too much time now in the university and I feel that English is going to take off the little free time that I had.
With the passing of the time I knew cute and lovely people, and I think I learned a little more of English.
And in blogger time I learn interesting thing about my future profession and more techniques’ words.
I hope that continues in the second semester, because this had been so funny and interesting and I think I had learnt more with this method than the classic class.
I think this is because the word that I need to put in English and I don’t know I look for it and this doesn’t erase form my memory.
English is too important in all aspects of our lives, but it is too much important in health area because all information is in English.
I hope in the second semester I learn more and more and this will be more useful.